Archive for February, 2007


Ringing The Bell and Plaque at the Bell

   Posted by: Lightning    in Uncategorized

Sorry that you can not read the plaque so below is what is on the plaque.

MUSC and the Gift of Life Trust Fund are

honored to be a part of this moment in your


Sailors feel that a bell is the soul of the ship.

The bell is rung onboard ships to signal

accomplishment, honor or momentous events.

You are ringing the bell for another soul:

That of the person whose decision to donate has

allowed you a new start and has given you the

gift of life.

Please cherish this memory and use it to remind

you to honor your donation by living life to the

fullest and taking care of yourself and your


Help those who are still on the waiting list by

spreading the word about transplantation and organ

donation, volunteering and setting an example that

organ donation is… The Gift of Life.


   Posted by: Lightning    in Uncategorized

OK I am running behind. We did return home on Monday and the doctor’s visit went great they are pleased with all of my blood work numbers, for the first time in years my liver number are at or near normal.

They took the 68 staples out and I did not even yell.

Ever thing looked good enough that I dont have to go back for 2 weeks now.

God Bless You,



She just wanted her picture taken.

   Posted by: Lightning    in Uncategorized


Camera on bad drugs

   Posted by: Lightning    in Uncategorized


Look I am not as bald as you thought.

   Posted by: Lightning    in Uncategorized