Archive for July 23rd, 2007


WOW – What A Weekend!!

   Posted by: Lightning    in Uncategorized

Good Monday Afternoon,

I hope all is well and feeling great. I have had some more weekend. It all started Friday. Claire & I went to the hospital, so they could perform the ultrasound guided thoracentesis. The nurse put me on the side of a bed and I had to be rude and sit with my back to her. She then used the ultrasound and found the fluid; she then performed her artistic work and started drawing on my back. The doctor came in and we chatted for a minute while he washes his hand. He talked about what he was going to do, numb the area and stick a needle in my back to tap into the fluid, and then he would thread tubing and remove the needle. In a little bee sting and a good bye he was out the door. The nurse showed me my first bottle that came out, it looked like dark beer. These were 500ml bottles she used and she filled 5 up and started on the 6th one. I then had some pain in my back and left shoulder, she said she was done and put a band aide on my back. There was 3600ml, 3.6 litters or about 15 pounds removed. I then went for another x-ray and they let me go home. I felt really good then. I could breath. I felt so good I came home, drove to Greenville and returned home to run the weed eater.

Saturday I was a little sore and did not get into a whole lot, enjoyed some time with Justin & Abigail, while Claire worked. I felt good Sunday morning and then Sunday evening came with yet another blessing. I went to Hillcrest Baptist Church in Williamston and spoke during the evening worship service. My step-brother Larry Baldwin is the pastor there and I was honored to share the pulpit with him. I spoke for just a minute in my no clock world; I think it was some where around an hour. We handed out about 80 donor cards and got over 30 donors, Gods blessings still pouring out. I conclude my evening with a nice evening with my beautiful wife and daughter.

I want to ask you a question, when you are gone from this earth what will you leave behind? What kind of mark will you leave on this earth or on people? That’s a lot to think about!!

God Bless You,
