Archive for September 26th, 2011


Happy Fall

   Posted by: Lightning    in Uncategorized

Well I know this is late, but not really! I wrote a post Saturday night but forgot to push the post button at the right time. I looked and looked but could not find it anywhere so I will combine Saturday’s post with this one. I first of all bragged about those Tigers.

Now all of those numbers and everything else is old news now so I won’t give you all that information again, I will just tell you how great them Tigers really are. Oh yeah I am sure you have not heard but that school that has a yard-bird on the side line got lucky on their game Saturday also.

On to other things happening. Well this mess called pneumonia is something to deal with. I feel worst now than I did last Tuesday when I went to the doctor’s office, but they say I’m doing OK. I called this morning and said I feel like, well just say the white stuff on the top of chicken poop, by the way do you know what that white stuff is?? Homework question! They told me I needed to give the medication a few more days to work,  really good pills I guess at nearly $17 each. Looks like the pills would call me and tell me I am doing better but anyway I took the last one this morning hopefully soon I’ll get that call and tell me I am better.

You know good true friends are hard to find but I sure have lucked up in my life to be surrounded by such good true friends. Just one example as I have been sick and trying to keep Abigail active has been a challenge for Claire and myself. I carried Abigail to softball practice but did not feel like staying so I came home and got a text message and it said one of the moms would bring Abigail home, Claire was busy late at one of her patient’s house, that was great news that I did not have to go back after Abigail. When the mom got her home she then explained the other arrangements she had made for Abigail for the next couple of days, she said she knew I would not feel like doing all the traveling and she is right.

Claire sure has been extra sweet to me while I have felt bad as she has been so busy with her really sick patients but has made sure everything was just perfect for Abigail and I. She has worked so hard she is still doing paperwork now so her patients and me are taken care of. I Love You, Sweetie.

The night has drawn near an end, I have woke Chief up and made him move twice and he has still not made it to his bed and Samson is just wishing we would be quite and close his crate so he can’t hear Chief snoring. I have watched the news so I know all the bad stuff that has happened today and drank my glass of Happy Cow Butter Milk, prescribed by Farmer Tom. I guess at this point there is nothing left to do but go belly up for a few hours and get ready for another day.

One last question on your journey today did you take time to tell someone about Jesus and how much he loves them. In your daily prayer ask God to give you a long crooked patch so you will have more chances to share the love of God with more people.

God Bless You,

If you meet me and forget me you lose nothing…………
If you meet my God and forget Him you lose everything…….