
Happy New Year

   Posted by: Lightning   in Uncategorized

OK so I am 8 days late, when an hour turns into a day and nobody is fussing who keeps up with time, not me.

Well the New Year is now a thing for history, I hope you ate your greens and black eyed peas, we sure did, of course you know any thing that promotes eating I am gonna remember that.

This will be kinda short, but since my last trip to Charleston nothing much has happened on the doctor’s end but I am keeping up my end of the deal I am still make that protein juice, no buyers yet. I did have a visit with my local doctor and he is awaiting some blood work and he is going to cut a new stick and do some stirring, my luck it will fall into the hands of Claire and we all knows what happens then. So if my blog becomes later and later call Claire and I am sure time will matter to me then.

I will be headed to Charleston soon for my one year check up. I am not sure if I will get a prize or if I am suppose to carry one, but as long as I don’t die before January 29 I will have made it for one year. Well don’t get excited, because I am feeling pretty good and chances are I will make it past that date. Besides look at all the people I have to harass yet!

Some great family news, Sunday January 5 Abigail got saved, Claire and I sure are proud parents.

Some sad news, on Sunday I attended a funeral for a very dear friend, Mr. Wade Phillips. Wade was one of those men that comes into your life and he is always there, but never wants to be in the way, just to help. Wade and Joan had to put up with a lot years ago because they inherited another mouth to feed and another worry of who their son was out with. They acted like I would go in a burning building with their son and they were right. Todd Phillips and his family is my family. Todd is a brother of mine and that history goes way on back. Even his Mama and sister said we looked like twins, must have been that fat roll on the back of our heads. Todd is one of those men just like his Daddy always there. I offer my daily prayers for the Phillips family and I ask that you include them in your daily prayers. We all know that it’s the days after the crowd has gone when they need to be held up the most and God know when those moments are. Please just pray for that loving peace in their hearts, Wade can never be replace and no one would wants to try, Wade is where we all look forward to going one day. Wow, what must it be like to see Jesus face to face, a crown, golden streets and to kneel at the feet of Almighty God as he welcomes you home. Jesus said I will go and prepare a place for you and I will come again for you. Wade’s place was ready, ours will be one day. Be sure you are ready! Praise God Almighty.

God Bless You,

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 9th, 2008 at 3:47 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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