Hello Everyone,
Just to let you know that the doctor’s visit went well today, but they are not going to cut me a lose next week.
They cut me a lose today, so we are packing and will be headed to Possum Kingdom after while. I have to come back Monday, but it will be great to go home.
God Bless You,
I will put more details later, right now gotta pack so we can get out of here.
Good News!!!!
Daddy has been released from the hospital, he will have to stay in Charleston for several weeks, having to have blood work and check ups every day, but he is out of the hospital. He broke the record of transplant to release. They are not real sure when we will be able to come back to Possum Kingdom Memorial, but he is so glad to just be out of the hospital. The hospital staff was great to all of us, and words could never express how much we appreciate all they have done. Thanks again for all the prayers that have been coming our way, and please continue to keep praying, Daddy has made great progress, but we still have a long way to go too, and the Lord has been great to us, and we know that he will continue to do so, but just keep the prayers coming.
Daddy has been in ICU all day today, but has done real well, he has been in alot of pain, but that could only be expected, they are going to put him in a regular room very soon. He is doing very well with everything, and all the doctors and nurses say that everything looks good. I want to again thank everyone for everything they have done, and all the prayers that have been prayed, they have paid off, and the Lord is at work, it is very obvious.