
   Posted by: Lightning   in Uncategorized

Well the doctors came about 6:00 p.m. and informed us that the surgery was over, and that everything went as planned, and turned out good. We got to see him at the 9:00 visit, and looked much better than everyone expected him to. Sorry so short, but were all tired and going to try and get a little sleep. Thanks for everyones support and prayers, they have truly made a difference, for that THANKS, and praise the Lord for all he has done.


   Posted by: Lightning   in Uncategorized

Just received news from Charleston that they found a good match for Pelham and that he is presently in surgery at MUSC. He went into surgery around 10:30 am this morning (January 29th) and according to information I have just received, they are saying that this should take about 6 hours. Our prayers and thoughts are with him and his family.


   Posted by: Lightning   in Uncategorized

Well here is another week. God is so good to us all. Even though I have had some rough days in the past I know that God is in control.

You know I sit around and watch a lot of TV. It is not hard to find people in a whole lots worst shape than I. I have that great advantage knowing that God is in control of my life and all that happens in my life.

I have to go to my local doctor on Thursday, should not be any drastic change. My local Doctor and my Lovely Wife have gotten my fluid under control.
The last test Charlestown showed that my potassium was very low so my local Doctor increased my medication.

Today was a rough day for some reason I could not wake up, but as you know they will say it’s my liver, so I only wine to you on my web-site.

I like many of you have just finished watching the State of the Union. The thing about this process I don’t understand is why the President can say his speech in 49 minutes and it take the media another hour plus, to tell us what he said. God Bless America.

I hope each of you have a great night and a great day tomorrow. Please keep praying for my family and myself and that God’s will and timing be done.

God Bless You,



   Posted by: Lightning   in Uncategorized

WOW another week,

We got the report from Charleston and my MELD score is 20 now, so I must have blood work conducted each month.

Ever stop and think about how lucky we are. We have a loving God who sent sent his son to die for you and I. We live in a country that we are free to worship as we please. We have people who study and spend their life in research to find cures or releif to the many troubles we all have. I can stop and thank God for my health, because all I have to do is look around and find someone else in much more pain and a much grimmer look on the out come.

You know when we make trips to Charleston they are not wasted, due to the fact that all of family there with me is Christians. In other words there are a lot of witnessing going on, and not just at the hospital. Always remember you must always let others see Jesus in you even without speaking a word.

Thanks for the visits, calls and prayers. Please don’t stop.

God Bless You,



   Posted by: Lightning   in Uncategorized

Hello Everyone,

Claire, Abigail & I made the trip to MUSC on Sunday evening, we left later that we planed due to Claire’s father being sick, but he is much better now. We arrived in Charleston about 2000hrs and we had to get some rest because my appointment was at 0815hrs. I know this isn’t that early but we have found out that we need to be at Rutledge Tower around 0700hrs, so they will have time to draw the blood work.

We saw the doctor and he was satisfied with my condition and stated that I was still on the top of the list. He stated that the problem was getting a donor liver that was large enough for me. He said they had some livers come in but was just too small for me. He stated that a small liver would not work at all for me, so he said just hang in there and one would come available soon.

My coordinator stated that if prayer had anything to do with me getting a liver I would get one soon. She said everybody at MUSC was praying, that made me feel great coming from a place of people where they deal with liver transplants everyday. I told her that prayer was making a difference because God had gotten us to this point and in his timing all would be great.

Have a great evening and know God is watching over us all, also know we are praying for you.

God Bless You,